Sunday, April 19, 2009

"what is it that i need to cancel cable and use internet for tv??"

"what is it that i need to cancel cable and use internet for tv??"

My friend sent me a facebook message asking me that question.  I sat back and realized that there should be a post that directly address that ... so here is the answer.

What you will need at the bare minimum is a computer.  Simply a computer.  Something within the last year or two should work great.

I did a post early talking about hooking up a computer to the TV.  In a nutshell, I would make sure the computer has S-Video, HDMI/DVI, and maybe (maybe) VGA.  If you are rocking a DVI-out to HDMI-in, you will need to have some way to hook-up audio.  Maybe PC Speakers or a Home Theater ... Odds are it will be better than those built in TV speakers.

Now we have a TV hooked up to your television.  You are ready to stream TV from,, (and many others) for free.  You can use pay-per-episode sites like iTunes and and subscription sites like  Oh, and all of the wonderful video casts from places like msnbc and revision3.

There are numerous ways to customize this machine.  You can add in a TV Tuner Card and record TV shows off the antenna.  You can get wireless keyboard/mice and remotes to make navigation easier.

Just remember to have fun with it!

1 comment:

  1. Hooking up your computer to you PC is a great way to get rid of cable. My friends and I build a site about all of the resources available to help cut the cord, and I thought your readers might be interested in it. The site is:
